- 脳のセミナー ---

- special seminar ---------------------------------------------------

Roles of temporal and frontal cortices in predicting behavioral outcome values associated with visual stimuli.”

               Prof. Barry Richmond (NIMH/NIH) 
               Chief, Section on Neural Coding and Computation, Laboratory of Neuropsychology, NIMH/NIH, USA.

<ABSTRACT>  Animals, including humans, easily learn that repeatedly encountered visual cues predict different outcomes, both good and bad, and behavior is adjusted in accordance with the predictions. To do this, the stimulus must be recognized, which requires that it be remembered, and the stimulus must become associated with the value of the predicted outcome. Using single neuronal recording and analysis of behavior after selective ablations, we have found that rhinal (perirhinal plus entorhinal) cortex is critical for making associations between visual stimuli and predicted reward contingencies in a reward schedule task. Further, we have shown by a selective knockdown that the dopamine D2 receptor is critical for this learning. The lateral and orbital prefrontal regions also play roles in predicting outcomes. We have carried out behavioral experiments to investigate the roles of these prefrontal areas during reward schedules, also. We have found that ablations of orbital frontal cortex interfere with, but do not completely abolish, the ability of monkeys to assess the values of the stimuli, a result consistent with single neuronal recording data finding that neurons code for both value, and preceding and upcoming trial outcome. Lesions of the lateral prefrontal cortex only seem to impair complex or cross-dimensional associations. Thus, it appears that learning association of stimuli with outcomes requires the medial temporal structures, and assessing values that could drive this learning appears to require prefrontal areas. A question raised is whether orbitofrontal cortex, with an apparent value signal, and temporal cortex, which must be intact for this learning to occur, interact directly.

この講演は京大医学研究神経セミナーとして開かれました(連絡医学研究 河野憲二教授

日時20080523 16:30-17:30








報酬が出されるまでのcueが表現されている部位がorbitofrontal cortexであるということがわかりつつあって,D2-receptorのノックアウトでその影響が見えたという報告です.

正常な条件でerror rateが高いのが「orbitofrontal cortex のノックアウトによってerror rate が下がった」よって「報酬関連活動に欠陥が生じた」という結論ですが

error rateは下がる方がいいじゃないか. orbitofrontalを不活性化する薬で人をよく働かせるという特許を取ったらどうか」と篠本は提案しておきました.