--- special seminar
Title: Modeling the rhythmic dynamics of developing
spinal cord.
Presenter: Professor John Rinzel
(New York University, Center for Neural Science and Courant Institute of
Mathematical Sciences)
Many developing neural systems exhibit spontaneous rhythmic activity:
episodes of many neurons firing (say for 10s of seconds) separated by long silent
phases. In collaboration with expermentalists (M O'Donovan lab, NIH) we have formulated
and studied a set of models that describe the activity patterns in the chick
spinal cord, where silent phases can be very long, 10 mins
or so. The behavior is network-mediated;
a neuron model if isolated does not oscillate episodically. Slow (synaptic) depression accumulates
in the functionally excitatory network to terminate an episode and then
recovers between episodes. In early development the usually inhibitory GABA/glycine synapses are effectively excitatory and their
driving forces (chloride concentrations) vary slowly and contribute to the
synaptic depression. We use
mean-field models as well as cell-based networks of spiking neurons to
understand the dynamics and to design experiments and then analyze
results. The structural framework
of the models (including bistability on the fast time scale) allows for
fast/slow analysis of the emergent rhythmicity.
神経細胞の数理モデリングの達人,Prof. John Rinzelにセミナーをお願いしました.理研・深井さんの招へいと,京大医・船曳和雄さんのお世話による招待です.非線形動力学セミナーとの共催として,振動現象に焦点を当てた話をして頂きます.
“inter episode interval”を説明したモデルです.「バースティングニューロン」の応用なのですが,さすがモデリングの達人.面白い.これ結構オモチャとして遊べるぞ.